Health tips

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  • Brisk Walking research, Brisk Walking benefits, health benefits of brisk walking, Health tips

    Health Benefits of Brisk Walking 05 May 2022

    Health Benefits of Brisk Walking:- As per the recent study that was published in the journal Communications Biology, brisk walking can have a lot of health benefits. The article was titled Investigation of a UK biobank cohort reveals causal associations...

    Keywords: Brisk Walking article, Brisk Walking health benefits, Brisk Walking benefits, Brisk Walking in Communications Biology

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    summer tips, summer healthy tips, unhealthy summer habits that should be avoided, Health tips

    Unhealthy Summer Habits That Should Be Avoided 24 March 2022

    Unhealthy Summer Habits That Should Be Avoided:- Summers are turning hotter every year and one has to take special care during the season. One has to take care of their health, food habits, clothing and others to beat the heat....

    Keywords: summer healthy tips, Unhealthy summer habits tips, summer health news, summer health research

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    Brain Health breaking, Brain Health suggestions, how to keep your brain healthy, Health tips

    How to keep your brain Healthy? 07 December 2023

    How to keep your brain Healthy?:- The brain is profoundly affected by our dietary choices, social interactions, and overall way of life. To maintain optimal brain health, it is crucial to monitor our lifestyle and ensure that we provide the...

    Keywords: Brain Health suggestions, Brain Health news, Brain Health experts, Brain Health news

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    Wrinkles news, Wrinkles, avoid these factors to get rid of wrinkles, Health tips

    Avoid these factors to get rid of Wrinkles 21 April 2022

    Avoid these factors to get rid of Wrinkles:- Wrinkles are natural and they get with age and they are visible in aged people mostly. But the reason behind the wrinkles is not ageing. Stress is one factor that is responsible...

    Keywords: Wrinkles articles, Wrinkles tips, Wrinkles news, Wrinkles news

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    Lung Health latest, Lung Health foods, foods that keep your lungs healthy, Health tips

    Foods That Keep Your Lungs Healthy 06 December 2021

    Foods That Keep Your Lungs Healthy:- A healthy diet is the need of the hour for everyone in this modern world. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic taught many lessons for the mankind and the lung health too turned out to be...

    Keywords: Lung Health food, Lung Health vegetables, Lung Health snacks, Lung Health tips

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    Toddlers care latest news, Toddlers updates, special care to be taken for your toddler, Health tips

    Special Care to be taken for your Toddler 14 October 2021

    Special Care to be taken for your Toddler: Toddlers are tough to handle and they should be given special attention throughout the day. If one gives adequate attention and copes with their emotions, they could do wonders. But some of...

    Keywords: Toddlers care latest news, Toddlers care updates, Toddlers breaking news, Toddlers care latest news

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    women's egg problems, egg healthiness, pregnancy after 35 know how it affects mother and child, Health tips

    Pregnancy After 35: Know How It affects mother and child 22 August 2023

    Pregnancy After 35: Know How It affects mother and child:- There are many reasons for a delayed pregnancy. Nowadays many are conceiving only after 35 years in attain success in their career and also financial stability. But there are problems...

    Keywords: women's egg problems, egg healthiness, child growth, child growth

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    HCG Doctor about sneeze, stopping sneeze, why we should not stop sneezing, Health tips

    Why We Should Not Stop Sneezing? 21 August 2023

    Why We Should Not Stop Sneezing?:- In the sneezing process our skin will clear irritants from the nasal and also build pressure inside the respiratory tract. Sneezing is a natural reaction, which should not be suppressed. Sneezing is a process...

    Keywords: HCG Hospital Rajkot, HCG Hospital Rajkot, HCG Hospital Rajkot, health benefits

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    Hypertension latest, Hypertension news, best sleeping position to keep bp under control, Health tips

    Best sleeping position to keep BP under Control 24 May 2022

    Best sleeping position to keep BP under Control:- A state where blood crashes at a high pace is called Hypertension or high blood pressure. The artery walls will get damaged if the blood pressure is not kept in control. High...

    Keywords: Hypertension latest, Hypertension avoided foods, Hypertension sleeping positions, High Blood pressure

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    Calm your Mind breaking updates, Calm your Mind latest updates, five things to do to calm your mind, Health tips

    Five things to do to Calm your Mind 15 April 2022

    Five things to do to Calm your Mind:- No one is ready for arguments and strained relationships. Arguments lead to psychological and emotional conflicts which bring lifelong strain and scars in any relationship. There would be arguments in any relationship...

    Keywords: Calm your Mind latest updates, Calm your Mind new updates, Calm your Mind latest updates, Calm your Mind latest updates

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    Liver Health breaking news, Liver cirrhosis treatment, how to improve the longevity of liver, Health tips

    How to improve the longevity of Liver? 17 January 2022

    How to improve the longevity of Liver:- Liver happens to be one of the crucial and important organs of the human body. It helps to digest the food and the storage of energy by removing the toxins. The liver is...

    Keywords: Liver Health visuals, Liver diseases, Liver cirrhosis, Liver disease doctors

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    Hacks for mental well Being, Health Tips, five enhancing tips for men s health, Health tips

    Five Enhancing Tips For Men's Health 04 September 2023

    Five Enhancing Tips For Men’s Health:- The fostering wellness in men's lives is a wholesome existence for a healthy lifestyle. Certain age-old solutions for physical and mental health need to be prioritized in our day-to-day busy lives. Vitality In a...

    Keywords: Men Physical Health, Day to Day Life Activities, Physical Workout, Physical Workout

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    Ayurvedic Practises news, Ayurvedic Practises for health, five ayurvedic practises for a healthy life, Health tips

    Five Ayurvedic Practises for a Healthy Life 14 September 2022

    Five Ayurvedic Practises for a Healthy Life:- Hectic schedules at work is disturbing the health and mental peace of the humans. Unhealthy food habits are taking a toll on the mental and physical health. 30 minutes of walk and eating...

    Keywords: good exercise, Ayurvedic Practises new updates, Ayurvedic Practises new updates, good sleep

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    Menopause sweating at night times, Menopause, tips to manage sweat in women in an active day, Health tips

    Tips To Manage Sweat In Women In An Active Day 11 September 2023

    Tips To Manage Sweat In Women In An Active Day:- Perimenopause, which is going to take a complete year will irk most of the women with more sweat. Usually, Menopause happens in between 45 years to 55 years. Most of...

    Keywords: Menopause - prolong, hot flashes - Perimenopause, Perimenopause, Menopause

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    Mental Health staying alone, Mental Health benefits, spending time alone is good for mental health, Health tips

    Spending Time Alone Is Good For Mental Health 06 October 2021

    Spending Time Alone Is Good For Mental Health:- Mental health is an important factor in anyone's life. It is also important to spend time with yourself and enjoy your company. Several health experts say that spending time alone plays an...

    Keywords: Mental Health, Mental Health habits, Mental Health bad, Mental Health breaking news

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    Junk Food tips, Junk Food health issues, tips to stay away from eating junk food, Health tips

    Tips to stay away from Eating Junk Food 19 January 2022

    Tips to stay away from Eating Junk Food:- There are a lot of people among us who struggle to give up their habits that damage their health. Eating junk food is one bad habit that will have an impact on...

    Keywords: Junk Food disadvantages, Junk Food advantages, Junk Food, Junk Food new tips

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    Winter Tips, Winter Tips to be followed, steps to stay healthy and beat the winter, Health tips

    Steps to Stay Healthy and Beat the Winter 06 January 2022

    Steps to Stay Healthy and Beat the Winter:- Winter season brings enough laziness and the low temperatures make everyone stay under the blanket for hours. Most of them even skip their workout sessions during the season. Laziness is also a...

    Keywords: Winter Tips news, Winter Tips articles, Winter Tips healthy, Winter Tips articles

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    Diabetes food, Diabetes news, health tips to keep blood sugar normal, Health tips

    Health Tips to keep Blood Sugar normal 23 April 2022

    Health tips to keep Blood sugar normal:- Diabetes will have an impact on the blood sugar levels and it can impact all the vital organs of the body if left unattended. Type 1 Diabetes is autoimmune and Type 2 is...

    Keywords: Blood sugar tips, Diabetes news, Diabetes news, Diabetes updates

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    Dining tips breaking news, Dining tips articles, dining tips to make your experience healthier, Health tips

    Dining tips to make your experience healthier 20 April 2022

    Dining tips to make your experience healthier:- Dining can make you relax and bring out the stress inside you. Dining can also make you spend quality time with your family or friends. However, most of them worry about making it...

    Keywords: Dining tips latest news, Dining tips research, Dining tips breaking tips, Health Tips for Dining

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    Insomnia breaking news, Insomnia health, insomnia reason for sleepless nights, Health tips

    Insomnia: Reason For Sleepless Nights 26 October 2021

    Insomnia: Reason For Sleepless Nights:- Insomnia is caused due to depression and it is Vitamin B12 that regulates the melatonin levels in the human body. It is the hormone that is responsible for regulating the circadian rhythms and sleep patterns...

    Keywords: Vitamin B12, Insomnia breaking news, Insomnia symptoms, Vitamin B12

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