The Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde talked to the media persons as part of the monthly review of the Ministry's affairs told that the Telangana State formation is on the election manifesto of the Congress party in 2004 and also 2009. He said that the Telangana Bill has been approved by the Union Cabinet and at present it is with the President.
Shinde replied to the question of a media person that he cannot tell how much time it will take there and how much time the President will give to the AP Assembly to respond to it. But, he said, the efforts are being made to introduce it in the present session of the Parliament.
About no-confidence notice Shinde said that it is already announced by the Speaker Meira Kumar and the Government and the Speaker will deal with it the way it has to be.
For the question about Delhi’s Hung Government the Home Minister said that it is being handled by the Lt. Governor of Delhi.
Shinde also said that the bill of Prevention of Communal Violence also is planned to introduce along with Telangana Bill.