Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) supremo Raj Thackeray lashed out BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi for his chanting of Gujarat mantra all over the country. Raj Thackeray demanded is resignation for Chief Minister post of Gujarat and focus on the issues troubling the nation. Addressing a press conference in Nashik on Thursday, Raj said, “there are very serious issues bothering the country, Modi should resign first to Gujarat CM post and then start campaign all over the country.”
These remarks drew very harsh reply from Maharashtra state BJP president Devendra Fadnavis. He said, “Mr. Thackeray's advice is not needed for Mr. Modi or BJP. Modi is all over the country and inclined to solve all these issues troubling the nation. Modi's popularity is disturbing few leaders and Thackeray is wise enough to decided about what to do and what not to do.”
the above comments clearly indicate that things are not fine between BJP and MNS. Let's see whether they could carry their relation till 2014 general elections or not.
(AW: Vamshi Tunga)