Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Chief Ministers are working from their respective homes as CM's official bungalows are in the process of getting renovated. Both KCR and Chandrababu are finding it difficult to work from their homes as daily hundreds of officials will be meeting them and it is becoming a big hurdle for the police and the nearby neighbours.
AP CM's official bungalow, Lake View guest house renovation works are progressing at brisk pace and are expected to get completed by 18th of this month. Chandrababu is all set to move to Lake View guest house on 19th June along with family. While Telangana CM KCR has opted for the Begumpet CM camp office as he felt that Kundhanbhag bungalow is too congested. Moreover, other ministers too are willing to have a bungalow in Kundhabhag and it will become a huge burden for the police and other officials.
KCR who is highly superstitious, consulted his astrologers to check the Begumpet camp office. Following the suggestions of them, KCR has ordered officials to make changes and rooms not in favor of vaastu are likely to get shut.
(AW: Vamshi)