IT minister KTR spoke about the promises, Telangana government made, to the media.
After the recent huge victory of the TRS party, it seems, the TRS leaders are over-enthusiastic and that is making them speak, more than what they could.
Taking KTR’s recent speech, he attended for a programme conducted by the journalists association. Speaking there, KTR said that, the government is even very concerned about the media people, along with others.
After the formation of the government in Telangana, the TRS assured the media to allocate Rs. 10 crores for their welfare. Along with that, he even said that, the government assured health cards, journalist bhavan and also double bedroom houses to the journalists.
But the notable thing is, it is true TRS government assured all the above proposals, but none of those are implemented till date.
KTR’s speech loses logic in media promises!
Implementing the proposals like double bedroom houses to the poor people of the entire state, is definitely a big target and obviously, it takes time. But, no such logic can be found in delay of implementation of the proposals for the journalists, who are comparatively, in very less number, than the entire poor people of the state.
A few even say that, though the government has the capability of implementing double bedroom proposal for the journalists, it is unable to do it, speculating the criticism from the poor and the oppositions.
If at all the government constructs double bedroom houses to the journalists, the oppositions can cash it, cornering government by diverting the poor saying that, the government is more concerned of the journalists, rather than poor.
So maybe, to avoid that, the government is staying away from implementing the promises to the journalists, with the intention of favoring the poor first.
By Phani Ch