Two agricultural daily workers in Chittore district died of heart attack when they came to know about the announcement of the Center to divide the State. One is Thalari Kittanna and another Allapalli Ravi both belong to Ranga Samudram of PTM Mandal. Those two aged 40 go to Hyderabad every year in pursuit of daily labor work.
The family members of those two persons say that on hearing that Telangana Statehood is given along with Hyderabad, they died of heart attack within a gap of 12 hours- one on the night of Thursday and another Friday morning.
It is very heartening to know that the self immolations and suicide attempts were made in Andhra region on hearing the news of State division decisions. A strong feeling is injected in the youth in the Telangana agitations also that the Center will bow to the demands only if extreme steps are taken. Those acts in frenzy of exhibition of protests were highlighted by the politicians in their speeches. Although they condemned those acts cautiously, in an indirect way they praised those people who sacrificed their lives. It carried a suggestion to the minds of the youth. The result is deaths in hundreds in Telangana for achieving Statehood. Now it passed to the Andhra region not give them Statehood by dividing the State.
In the agitations in Seemandhra, many cases of attempted self immolations were reported at many places that were stopped by the police in time.
The problem erupts when a situation is taken as if it is going to be the end of the Universe. Politicians and media should take up the responsibility on their shoulders to circulate the facts in the general interests of the public giving total details. It is a democratic country run by the people and for the people. Any problem can be solved without resorting to the extreme steps. There are ways to represent and ways to protest. Unfortunately a person who dies is made a hero in the eyes of the people.
In fact a forced death is an acceptance of failure. One can fight and achieve only when one lives. The death by shock of the news is only because of the ill informed lot taking it to heart. If we take the case of two daily workers’ death, it is only because of lack of total knowledge that even if a State is bifurcated physical laborers will not be restricted. Many workers come from Odisha and Bihar to our State to do physical labor every year.