With Apple revealing its iPhone 6, Google countered with sixth edition of Nexus. On Wednesday, Google launched Nexus 6 [phone] and 9 [tablet] and the internet giant floated a new Android OS which is yet to get a name. The latest smartphone was produced by Motorola which Google bought it in the year 2012 and is now looking to sell it to China's Lenovo.
Nexus 6 comes with 5.96 inches screen with 1440x2560 resolution. Well these figures are low when compared to iPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy Note 4. The camera is quite bigger and comes with 13 megapixel in the rear. The specifications are needed a detailed look but Google has priced his Nexus phone quite high. In US, Nexus is available at USD 649 without a wireless contract commitment which is $300 more than the previous generation.
The phone will be out for sales from November and it will take some time to land in the Indian market. Google is also contemplating to name the new Android OS as 'Lollipop' or 'Android 5.0'
(AW: Vamshi)