(Image source from: Ft.com)
2000 Coronavirus Deaths In USA On Tuesday:- USA is having the worst phase and is the most affected country because of coronavirus. Only on Tuesday, 2000 people passed away in the country due to coronavirus which alone says the impact of coronavirus. A tally by Johns Hopkins University told this as per the local time at 8.30 PM. The total number of deaths in USA now reached 12,722. Italy is on the top with 17,127 deaths and Spain stands next with 13,798 deaths. US President Donald Trump blamed the World Health Organization (WHO) for reacting slowly to this crisis.
Speaking on this, Trump said "WHP should have reacted months in advance. They missed the call. They are really wrong when it comes to coronavirus". Donald Trump is badly criticized for not responding on time and implementing the lockdown. Despite of taking extensive measures, the spread has been huge and the situations are out of control. Though lockdown is imposed, US is finding it tough. Trump initially downplayed coronavirus and he thought it was an ordinary flu saying that things are under extreme control. He later accepted it as a medical emergency.