Hetero Launches A Drug To Treat Coronavirus:- After Glenmark Pharmaceuticals came up with a drug to treat mild coronavirus patients, several others are lined up. The Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) gave approval to Hetero to manufacture and market an antiviral medicine named 'Remdeisivir' which can be used to treat coronavirus patients. The generic version of Remdesivir will have a brand name of 'COVIFOR' in the country. Hetero Groups Chairman, Dr B Parthasaradhi Reddy said that the COVIFOR is a gamechanger in Indian market after the number of coronavirus cases increased.
The product is manufactured in the line with 'Make in India' campaign. COVIFOR will be available in 100mg vial injections and can be used under the supervision of a doctor or a healthcare practitioner. COVIFOR is launched under the license with Gilead Sciences Inc. Hetero groups confirmed that the price is ranged in between Rs 5000-6000 per dose. The drug is currently manufactured in Hyderabad. Hetero clarified that the drug will only be available in hospitals and not in any retail channels.
Hetero Groups is focused on providing one lakh doses in the coming weeks. Apart from Glenmark and Hetero, Cipla too has received approval from the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI).
(Video Source: Sakshi TV)