(Image source from: English.mathrubhumi.com)
Scientists Say That Coronavirus Is Airborne:- The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) made an announcement that they are working on the vaccine for the coronavirus and the deadline is set as August 15th. ICMR also said that the human clinical trials of phase 1 and 2 are expected to start this month across the country in 12 laboratories. But the ICMR made it clear recently that it takes more time for the arrival of vaccination for the deadly coronavirus. Several hundreds of scientists predict that coronavirus is airborne and they say that there are evidences that coronavirus in small particles in the air can infect the people.
Some of them called up the World Health Organization (WHO) to revise the recommendations, reported the New York Times. It is heard that coronavirus spreads through droplets from person to person from nose or mouth. This happens when an infected person coughs, speaks or sneezes. A research plan will be published in a scientific journal soon as per the report from 239 scientists from 32 countries of the world. They came with evidence that coronavirus can infect with smaller particles. The World Health Organization (WHO) is yet to respond to this.
WHO earlier said that the reports that coronavirus can spread through the air are not convincing.