YSR Congress party chief and leader of opposition, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has set one month deadline to the government of Andhra Pradesh to come out with a clarity on the farm-loan waiver scheme. Speaking to the media, Jagan has said, “we waited for more than a month now and the government is still making confusing statement on waiving of farm loans while the farmers are worried. If the government fails implement its promise, we will fight on behalf of people.”
Jagan also warned that his party will rise the issue in budget Assembly sessions which are scheduled in August. RBI gave its nod for rescheduling of farm loans yesterday and currently the Kotaiah committee is sketching out guidelines for the rescheduling. Chandrababu Naidu is likely to make a statement about rescheduling during the Assembly session. However, protest from YSRCP looks inevitable.
(AW: Vamshi)