Central Railway minister DV Sadananda Gowda has announced exgratia to the victim families of train and school bus collide incident. Rs 2 lakh has been awarded the deceased families while Rs 20 Thousands for those who are injured. The announcement was made in Lok Sabha today but Mahbubnagar MP Jithender Reddy objected over minimal exgratia and demanded for more compensation. Minister Gowda claimed that it was the mistake of bus driver.
Telangana CM K Chandrasekhar Rao visited the injured kids who are being treated in the Secunderabad Yashoda hospitals. The government has announced Rs 5 lakh exgratia and extended all medical assistance to the injured. Reports said a father of two kids, who were killed in the accident, died of heart attack after the news of the accident came in.
(AW: Vamshi)