Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt has surrendered to the Yerwada jail authorities, as he has been denied an extension. Sanjay was out of jail on 14 days furlough but on Tuesday he applied for an extension of another weeks. The Home department sought a report on Sanjay's plea but they haven't given any report and so the prison authorities were directed to take Sanjay into their custody.
Sanjay Dutt was convicted in 1993 Mumbai serial blasts for illegally possessing AK-56 rifle and destroying it. The actor had already served 18 months jail in this case. He was out of jail on December 27th . The Maharashtra government has sought report from the jail department over Sanjay's furlough. In 2013, then government of Maharashtra has given, Sanjay Dutt four weeks of Parole which turned into a controversy.