The Delhi politics is changing at fast pace. Former IPS officer Kiran Bedi joined Bharatiya Janata Party in the presence of National President Amit Shah and Union Ministers Arun Jaitley and Dr Harsha Vardhan. On the other hand, ex-AAP leader Shazia Ilmi and Samajwadi Party former MP Jaya Prada are also set to join the Saffron party shortly. However, it isn't still unclear who will contest against Arvind Kejriwal from New Delhi Constituency.
Inviting Kiran Bedi to the party, Amit Shah said the BJP Parliamentary Board will take a decision on the constituency that the former IPS officer would contest from. But Shah gave indications that Kiran is in race for the Chief Minister post and put an end to his massive search for the Delhi chair. Speaking on the occasion, Bedi wished Delhi would get a strong, stable and honest government.