Recipe: Prawn Almond Toast 22 February 2022
Prawn Almond Toast can make a healthy snack and here is the recipe for the snack: Ingredients: almond flakes ½ cupcleaned prawns 1 cupchopped garlic 2 tspegg white 1potato starch 1 tspchopped spring onion ¼ cupsoy sauce 2 tspwhite sesame...
Keywords: Prawn Almond Toast news, Prawn Almond Toast process, Prawn Almond Toast recipe, Prawn Almond Toast snack
Read MoreRecipe: Almond and Pistachio Shrikhand 30 May 2015
Almonds and pistachios are one of the healthy nuts usually used in desserts for garnishing. Almond and Pistachio Shrikhand is a Gujarati dessert recipe, prepared in a simple way by infusing saffron, milk and hung curd. By following this simple...
Keywords: simple dessert recipes, Shrikhand recipes, tasty desserts, preparation of Almond and Pistachio Shrikhand
Read MoreBanana and Almond Porridge Recipe 17 October 2016
The traditional oats recipe gets a nutty and fruity twist.Prep time- 15 minServing- 1 Ingredients 1/4 cup oats1 tsp chia seeds1 cup milk1/2 banana (chopped)1 Tbsp dates (chopped)2 tsp almonds (sliced)2 tsp cinnamon powder1 thread of saffron1 Tbsp of honey...
Keywords: Almond, Porridge, Recipe, Almond
Read MoreBoundary less expression... 27 November 2012
Dark circles are a bothersome condition to most people because they spoil the beauty of your face. They are caused by many reasons such as allergies, heredity and several other factors. Whatever may be the cause, dark circles do not...
Keywords: beauty of face, cucumber juice eyes, tips for eyes, protect eyes
Read MoreAlmonds best for Diabetes and Cholesterol risk 09 July 2021
Almonds best for Diabetes and Cholesterol risk:- Eating almonds twice in a day will improve your glucose metabolism and will keep a check in the cholesterol levels. This is revealed as per a study. It said that the consumption of...
Keywords: Almonds, Almonds breaking news, Diabetes and Cholesterol techniques, Almonds health benefits
Read MoreAlmonds: The Best Fix For Your Wrinkles 11 October 2019
Almonds: The Best Fix For Your Wrinkles:- If you are consuming almonds on a daily basis, they will help you reduce the severity of facial wrinkles said a survey and this would be more effective in post-menopausal women. This study...
Keywords: almonds reduce wrinkles, Almonds best snack, Almonds among women, Almonds
Read MoreScotland rejects Independence! 19 September 2014
Scotland has voted against independence from the United Kingdom in a historic referendum. As per final results from Edinburgh the capital of Scotland, “No” received 61.1 per cent votes compared to 38. per cent for “Yes”. The turnout here was...
Keywords: Alex Salmond, Scotland, Scotland referendum, United Kingdom
Read MoreAmazing benefits of soaked almonds for skin 01 May 2015
Almonds are also called as Badam, adds extra goodness to your hair and skin with its amazing beauty properties. It is also called as ‘wonder food’ with its most important medicinal properties. It is rich in antioxidants and omega 3...
Keywords: benefits of almonds for skin, anti aging nuts, anti aging nuts, how to apply almond paste
Read MoreTreat ‘dullness’ within a day or two! 17 March 2012
It is a weekend and what more we need? We have ample of time to just take some time out for ourselves, think about us and even take care of our skin… the week long dullness of your mind can...
Keywords: milk power pack, sandal facial skin bleach, how to treat skin dullness, how to treat skin dullness
Read MoreOne Should Start Their Mornings With Nuts 20 September 2021
One Should Start Their Mornings With Nuts:- It is always important to maintain a healthy diet to maintain a long life and have an energetic day. Always have some fibre and antioxidants in the mornings. It is quite important to...
Keywords: Walnuts and Almonds breaking news, Walnuts and Almonds breaking updates, Walnuts, Soaked almonds
Read MoreHealthy Almond Malai Kulfi 04 October 2012
Healthy Almond Malai Kulfi Tasty food is something no one can resist, but they are seldom healthy. They have excess of the ingredients that would not be acceptable according to the dieticians. But there are few tasty and healthy foods...
Keywords: dry fruits, Matki, Malai Kulfi, saffron
Read MoreDark circles making your Beauty go DARK??? 22 August 2012
On one day you get up, see your face and observe the changes, you would be shocked to see dark circles around your beautiful eyes. don’t panic, here are the home remedies you can try out getting rid from them;...
Keywords: Dark circles Under eyes, circles around your beautiful eyes, circles around your beautiful eyes, Dark circles Under eyes
Read MoreAdd life in your Hair... 06 November 2012
Taking care of hair that is naturally dry can be quite a task. And what with the unruly frizz that tends to always be a companion of dry hair, not to mention the dull, lifeless look it gives your locks,...
Keywords: sesame oil, mustard oil hair care, hair care tips, mustard oil hair care
Read MoreHealthy life style... happy you 07 January 2013
You must have known what to eat to be healthy... now, have a look at how you can eat healthy; Keep a check on what are you eating... eat on right time and in right quantity... by this time, you...
Keywords: good diet plan, fruit juice, exercises, sandwich
Read MorePista (Almonds) can boost Men’s libido 07 September 2011
It`s hard to imagine that a natural food that tastes as good as an almond can have such a profound beneficial effect on health. In a report from Sin Chew Daily a study showed that almonds have a high quantity...
Keywords: Telugu People, Pista Almonds, can boost Mens libido, news from naturopathy
Read MoreYour dream for a strong hair 15 December 2012
Long and healthy hair... at any given point of time, this hair type is 'in'... but, not everyone are lucky to have a long and strong hair... well, nothing is impossible either... though growing a long hair is not a...
Keywords: life to add hair, tips for hair, hair fall control, dry hair
Read MoreAlmond oil helps fight obesity, diabetes 20 August 2012
Researchers, including one of Indian origin, have found that a future weapon in the battle against obesity and diabetes could come in the form of an oil derived from the seeds of wild almond trees. According to researchers at Missouri...
Keywords: Erysipelotrichia, Sterculic oil, Erysipelotrichia, diabetes
Read MoreEat these for weight loss 09 June 2014
Have you been trying hard to lose weight without much success. Even after dieting your weight doesn't seem to decrease much. Fret not. Here are a few foods that will boost your efforts in weight loss. Apples Apple not only...
Keywords: egg whites for breakfast, Apple, Lifestyle News, Lifestyle News
Read MoreGet some life in your Skin, this Winter... 14 November 2012
The winter can be brutal on your skin. Dry heat from radiators zaps moisture, and strong winter winds can lead to increased irritation and redness. Tight dry skin and chapped lips don’t have to be a way of life during...
Keywords: face scrub, skin condition, peel off skin, moisturizing
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