Sandy in us

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  • Cuba, Jamaica, superstorm sandy continues to wreak havoc, Sandy in us

    Superstorm Sandy continues to wreak havoc 31 October 2012

    The hybrid superstorm Sandy has moved on to the US after it has completely devastated areas of Jamaica, Cuba, Bahamas, Haiti and Dominican Republic. Staggering millions of peoples with the mass destruction, Sandy continues to lash the US mainlands with...

    Keywords: hurricane sandy, superstorm sandy, hybrid storm, Bahamas

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    india student, indian student killed in us, indian student killed in road accident in new jersey, Sandy in us

    Indian student killed in road accident in New Jersey 01 November 2012

    An Indian student, Vishwaja Muppa died in a road accident in New Jersey of the United States of America. She was a student of medicine and lost her breathe when the car in which she was traveling lost control and...

    Keywords: vishwaja muppa, vishwaja muppa, united states of america, india student

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    us storm, deep depression in bay of bengal, deep depression in bay of bengal puts officials on tenterhooks, Sandy in us

    Deep depression in Bay of Bengal puts officials on tenterhooks 30 October 2012

    A deep depression in Bay of Bengal is triggering tension among several officials in Tamil Nadu especially in Chennai since meteorological department officials have said that this depression is likely to turn into massive cyclone and hit Tamil Nadu sometime...

    Keywords: cyclone in bay of bengal, deep depression in bay of bengal, nagapattinam, us storm

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    barack obama, barack obama, sandy threat to us prez declares emergency, Sandy in us

    Sandy threat to US, Prez declares emergency 29 October 2012

    The US president Barack Obama declared emergency in Washington DC, Maryland, New York and Massachusetts in the wake of hurricane Sandy. All federal buildings and even the metro system of Washington have been closed today. The local governments in these...

    Keywords: hurricane sandy, federal buildings closed, port authority of new york, port authority of new york

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    Hurricane Sandy US, strong winds, hurricane sandy us s biggest storm, Sandy in us

    Hurricane Sandy: US's biggest storm 29 October 2012

    The Hurricane Sandy which is expected to hit the shores of the east coast of US is speculated to be the biggest storm that the mainland of country has endured ever. Several areas could be struck by strong winds and...

    Keywords: storm, east coast, storm, strong winds

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    long island power authority, united states of america, us storm another storm hits ny nj, Sandy in us

    US storm: Another storm hits NY, NJ 08 November 2012

    Barely within two weeks after Sandy hurricane created havoc and left dozens killed in the United States of America, another cyclonic storm had hit the country. Although the latest storm was said to be weaker than the earlier one, it...

    Keywords: john f kennedy, cyclonic storm, us federal, long island power authority

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    harricane, innocence of muslims, us deserved sandy muslim clerics, Sandy in us

    US deserved Sandy: Muslim clerics 02 November 2012

    Anti-American Muslim clerics across the world have made a controversial and abominable statement saying that the US deserved the devastation of Sandy for ridiculing Prophet Muhammad and other misdeeds. A few Muslims have outright gone against the statements saying that...

    Keywords: harricane, anti islam, divine punishment,

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    , , attarintiki daredi fans hungama stills, Sandy in us

    Attarintiki Daredi fans hungama Stills 28 September 2013

    Keywords: , , ,

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    brooklyn, hurricane sandy, sandy hits the land new york manhattan blacked out, Sandy in us

    Sandy hits the land: New York, Manhattan blacked out 30 October 2012

    The hybrid super-storm which is expected to be the biggest storm to hit US has made landfall in the nation creating havoc while it caused power outages dousing parts of New York and inundating Lower Manhattan on Monday. A few...

    Keywords: new york, floods, brooklyn, floods

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    sandy, american gurudwara parbandhak committee, superstorm sandy sikhs come to rescue, Sandy in us

    Superstorm Sandy: Sikhs come to rescue 01 November 2012

    Superstorm Sandy has made landfall and brought devastation to most of the east coast leaving over 50 innocent dead and more than 60 million victimized. Several thousand flights were canceled and millions were left powerless as the hurricane-force winds brought...

    Keywords: sikh, gurdwara, sandy, sikh

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    superstornm, , slideshow superstorm sandy in pictures, Sandy in us

    SLIDESHOW: Superstorm Sandy in pictures 31 October 2012

    Keywords: united states, , hybrid storm, sandy pictures

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    chennai coast, cyclone neelam, cyclone neelam deep depression turns into cyclone, Sandy in us

    Cyclone Neelam: Deep depression turns into cyclone 30 October 2012

    The deep depression in Bay of Bengal, which is 250 kilometres off Chennai coast, has turned into a cyclone as expected by the metereological department official. The officials have name this cyclone as Neelam. Even as United States of America...

    Keywords: deep depression, chennai coast, andhra coast, cyclone in tamil nadu

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    personality disorder, personality disorder, man open fires at a school 20 children dead, Sandy in us

    Man open fires at a school, 20 Children dead 15 December 2012

    A man who is believed to have a personality disorder entered and elementary school in Connecticut and started spraying bullets after which he claimed 26 lives of which 20 were children below the age of 10. A few other lucky...

    Keywords: President Obama, sandy hook elementary school, Virginia Tech Massacre, sandy hook elementary school

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    sandy hurricane, united states of america, us storm another storm hits ny nj, Sandy in us

    US storm: Another storm hits NY, NJ 08 November 2012

    Barely within two weeks after Sandy hurricane created havoc and left dozens killed in the United States of America, another cyclonic storm had hit the country. Although the latest storm was said to be weaker than the earlier one, it...

    Keywords: us federal, united states of america, cyclonic storm, united states of america

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    neelam cyclone, nagapattinam
Neelam Cyclone to hit, cyclone neelam might make landfall today evening, Sandy in us

    Cyclone Neelam: Might make landfall today evening 31 October 2012

    The cyclone in Bay of Bengal named Neelam is fast approaching towards Tamil Nadu-Andhra borders. The meteorological department officials have said that Nilam cyclone is going to land between the border of these two states (between Nagipattinam and Nellore) by...

    Keywords: cyclone nilam, neelam cyclone, cyclone effect, nilam cyclone

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    United states, United states, sandy hits the land new york manhattan blacked out, Sandy in us

    Sandy hits the land: New York, Manhattan blacked out 30 October 2012

    The hybrid super-storm which is expected to be the biggest storm to hit US has made landfall in the nation creating havoc while it caused power outages dousing parts of New York and inundating Lower Manhattan on Monday. A few...

    Keywords: new york, United states, United states, brooklyn

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    Denver shootings, sandy hook elementary school, obama shattered with the shooting at school, Sandy in us

    Obama shattered with the shooting at school 15 December 2012

    After a madman, believed to have a personality disorder, rushed into Sandy Hook Elementary School, Ct, had killed over 26 people of which 20 were innocent kindergarten-to-fourth-grade children, Obama almost in tears, spoke to the people at the White House....

    Keywords: Virginia Tech Massacre, newtown, white house, 20 year old

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    usa, hurricane sandy, indian student killed in road accident in new jersey, Sandy in us

    Indian student killed in road accident in New Jersey 01 November 2012

    An Indian student, Vishwaja Muppa died in a road accident in New Jersey of the United States of America. She was a student of medicine and lost her breathe when the car in which she was traveling lost control and...

    Keywords: vishwaja muppa, new jersey, indian student killed in us, hurricane sandy

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    cyclone neelam, neelam cyclone, cyclone neelam panics nris, Sandy in us

    Cyclone Neelam panics NRIs 31 October 2012

    NRIs who hail from Tamil Nadu and Coastal parts of Andhra Pradesh are reportedly getting tense in the wake of Cyclone Neelam. The sources have said that NRIs have already started enquiring about the cyclone updates and keeping an eagle...

    Keywords: hurricane sandy, neelam cyclone updates, cyclone effect, cyclone effect

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