• Vegetarian foods, Vegetarians Vs meat-eaters market, vegetarians are healthier than meat eaters study, Vegetarian

    Vegetarians are healthier than meat-eaters: Study 12 May 2021

    Vegetarians are healthier than meat-eaters: Study:- As per a recent study, the vegetarians are quite healthier than meat-eaters and it is applicable for adults of all the ages and their weights. This is also unaffected by alcohol consumption or smoking....

    Keywords: Vegetarians Vs meat-eaters latest, Vegetarians Vs meat-eaters new updates, Vegetarians, Vegetarian foods

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    Jet Airways sued, Banuprasad Jani, jet airways fined rs 65 000 for offering non veg meal for a vegetarian, Vegetarian

    Jet Airways Fined Rs 65,000 For Offering Non-Veg Meal For A Vegetarian 11 September 2018

    Jet Airways Fined Rs 65,000 For Offering Non-Veg Meal For A Vegetarian:- A passenger named Banuprasad Jani from Rajkot sued Jet Airways for offering him a meat meal. A consumer court in Rajkot directed the airline to pay Rs 65,000...

    Keywords: Jet Airways sued, Banuprasad Jani, Banuprasad Jani, Jet Airways fined

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    coco seeds insect dropping, no chocolates, non vegetarian chocolates, Vegetarian

    Non vegetarian chocolates? 06 February 2013

    Are you a person who wish to dig your teeth into chocolate bars every time? If yes then you need to be a complete non vegetarian. In case you are a vegan and gorge on chocolates, then you can no...

    Keywords: dark chocolates insect droppings, non vegetarian chocolates, chocolates insect filth, chocolates insect filth

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    Mutton Rezala preparation, simple non veg recipes, recipe mutton rezala, Vegetarian

    Recipe: Mutton Rezala 22 June 2015

    Mutton Rezala is a Bengali mutton curry prepared as white gravy. It is most desirable dish during the festive season. Meat is infused with deep, rich flavours of cashews cream, khoya and coconut. Here is a simple preparation of Mutton...

    Keywords: mutton rezala preparation method, simple non veg recipes, mutton rezala preparation method, tasty delicious recipes

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    this vitamin can cause asthma in children, Weak muscles, source for vitamin d for vegetarians, Vegetarian

    Source for vitamin D for Vegetarians 04 October 2012

    Weak muscles and poor bone density are some of the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. But there are chances that lack of this vitamin can cause asthma in children, cognitive impairment at an older age, intolerance to glucose and multiple...

    Keywords: vitamin D for health-living, Weak muscles, this vitamin can cause asthma in children, vitamin D for Vegetarians

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    Charan birthday gift, Charan birthday gift, charan a vegetarian, Vegetarian

    Charan a vegetarian? 11 July 2013

    Ram Charan Tej has apparently turned vegetarian. Why? Because his wife Upsana gifted him a puppy for his birthday. Upsana had presented him a dog, which Charan immediately named Brat, for him on his birthday on March 27th earlier this...

    Keywords: Upsana, Upsana Kamineni, Brat, Charan marriage

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    Cold Pasta Salad Vegetarian, Pasta and Vegetable Salad, pasta and vegetable salad, Vegetarian

    Pasta And Vegetable Salad 06 February 2018

    Pasta And Vegetable Salad:- Pasta and Vegetable Salad is nutritious, tasty and full of flavor. This salad is made with a combination of different vegetables and whole wheat pasta. It is a refreshing and nutritious salad recipe. You can relish...

    Keywords: Veg Pasta Salad Recipes Indian, Veg Pasta Salad Recipes Indian, Veg Pasta Salad Recipes Indian, Pasta and Vegetable Salad

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    , vegan, vegans live longer than non vegetarians, Vegetarian

    Vegans live longer than non-vegetarians 05 November 2012

    Loma Linda University has recently found of from studies that vegan lifestyle could impart several much wanted benefits to man. At the Californian university, since the 70s and 80s there were studies which recorded the eating habits and the lifestyle...

    Keywords: NIH, loma linda university, NIH, vegan

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    banana kababs, banana curries, recipe kabab e kela preparation, Vegetarian

    Recipe: Kabab-e-kela preparation 02 June 2015

    Kabab-e-kela is a recipe prepared with bananas. Banana is a healthy fruit that has high amount of antioxidants, providing protection from free radicals and chronic disease. Kabab-e-kela is a vegetarian recipe commonly called as banana kebabs. It is flavored with...

    Keywords: banana curries, banana kababs, banana curries, preparation of kabab-e-kela

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    delicious non vegetarian recipes, preparation of Coffee Marinated Mutton Chops, recipe coffee marinated mutton chops, Vegetarian

    Recipe: Coffee Marinated Mutton Chops 23 July 2015

    Coffee marinated mutton chops is one of the delicious mutton recipes prepared in a simple way. Coffee and mutton are wonderful combination, prepare this at your home and enjoy its taste. Ingredients 200 gm of mutton chops For the marinade:...

    Keywords: simple mutton recipes, delicious non vegetarian recipes, preparation of Coffee Marinated Mutton Chops, how to prepare Coffee Marinated Mutton Chops

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    Vaishno Devi, Mc Aloo Tikki Burger, mcdonald s plans to open more vegetarian outlets, Vegetarian

    McDonald's plans to open more vegetarian outlets 05 September 2012

    After basking in the success of the vegetarian outlet at Amritsar, the US food retail chain restaurant, Mc Donald's has made plans to establish newer vegetarian restaurants at Katra near the holy shrine in Vaishno Devi cave in Jammu and...

    Keywords: Mc Donalds, Mc Donalds, Mc Aloo Tikki Burger, Mc Donalds

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    Kangana Ranuat, vegetarian, narendra modi hottest vegetarian, Vegetarian

    Narendra Modi Hottest Vegetarian 30 December 2014

    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals [PETA] has named Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bollywood actress Rekha as the Hottest Vegetarian celebrities. Modi and Rekha surpassed Shahid Kapoor and Kangana Ranuat who were the previous toppers of the chart. ...

    Keywords: Rekha, vegetarian, vegetarian, Rekha vegetarian

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    ethical treatment of animals, esha gupta  in green bikini, esha gupta emitting great heat, Vegetarian

    Esha Gupta emitting great heat 23 July 2013

    Gorgeous model-turned-actor Esha Gupta is the latest celebrity to uphold vegetarianism in the ad of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The curvy babe Esha can be viewed looking every bit oppressively hot on the campaign poster wearing...

    Keywords: esha gupta hot pics., esha gupta emitting great heat, esha gupta in green bikini, veganism

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    roti, vegetarians, badami paneer gravy recipe, Vegetarian

    Badami Paneer Gravy Recipe 29 November 2012

    Paneer is a substitute for chicken among the vegetarians. Commonly known as cottage cheese, paneer is filling and a yummy dairy product. In many households, paneer is prepared by boiling the milk and then curdling it by adding lemon juice...

    Keywords: badami paneer gravy, paneer gravy recipe, households, paneer gravy

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    non-veg burger, mc donald's non-veg burger, mcdonald s faces compensation of rs 15 000, Vegetarian

    McDonald's faces compensation of Rs.15,000! 01 February 2013

    Fast food giant McDonald's has been directed by a consumer forum in Delhi to pay Rs. 15,000 as compensation to one of its customers for delivering a non-veg burger instead of the vegetarian one she had ordered. Moreover, the bench...

    Keywords: mc donald's veg burger, mc donalds faces compensation, mc donald's non-veg burger, consumer forum in Delhi

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    Lower Cancer Risks, Benefits for Vegetarian, benefits of being a veggie, Vegetarian

    Benefits Of Being A Veggie! 02 October 2012

    You must have heard that many people prefer to become a vegetarian from a hard core non-veggie. Sometimes it is for religion and sometimes for health. There are many health benefits of being a vegetarian. So, before you become a...

    Keywords: Healthy Stomach, , Benefits for Vegetarian, Lower Cancer Risks

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    sprouts, proteins, slideshow vegetarian protein foods for a healthy life, Vegetarian

    SLIDESHOW: Vegetarian Protein foods for a healthy life 16 July 2012


    Keywords: beans, vegetarians, youghurt, youghurt

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    Vegetarians, Health, vegetarians aren t healthy study, Vegetarian

    Vegetarians aren't healthy: Study 09 April 2014

    A new research from the Medical University of Graz in Austria has said that Vegetarians are less healthy compared to the meat eaters. The study was carried over 15,000 people of both vegetarians and meat eaters. In this study, the...

    Keywords: Medical university of Graz, cancer, Medical university of Graz, heart diseases

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    preparation of Yakhni, non vegetarian recipes, recipe preparation of yakhni, Vegetarian

    Recipe: Preparation of Yakhni 16 June 2015

    Yakhni is a delicious recipe where the succulent pieces of mutton are infused with cardamom, cinnamon, bay leaves and a host of other Kashmiri flavours that are balanced out in a thick yogurt based gravy. Here is the simple preparation...

    Keywords: preparation of mutton yakhni, preparation of mutton yakhni, non vegetarian recipes, preparation of Yakhni

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    Designer Abdul Rasheed, well acclaimed designer, humanity sans religion traverse across borders, Vegetarian

    Humanity sans religion, traverse across borders 07 March 2012

    A Muslim man believes God as Ultimate power, be it `Allah or Bhagawan’- the man who decorates ISKCON temples globally with his gorgeous dresses, is a vegetarian. India is a country of varied religions and culture. Almost every three miles...

    Keywords: ISKCON, Deities designer wear, Vegetarian Muslim, ISKCON designer

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