According to the Korean company, it will start to ship “bendy screened” gadgets in the first half of 2012, with the first “flexible” gizmos on the market certain to be mobile phones, the Daily Mail reported.
This is where it all starts to get a little far-fetched, the 0.3mm screen seems to be able to “throw” a holographic 3D image so solid it looks like one could touch it. Glasses-free 3D does exist, but it doesn’t look like this
While Samsung’s video demo might be “concept technology”, factories in the Far East are already working on “real” versions, flexible phones that will hit the market in early 2012.
Layers of “Graphene”, atom-thick layers of carbon, will be used to create paper-thin “foldable” screens in the Samsung Galaxy Skin.
“Flexible” screens have been demonstrated in various forms since as early as 2004, with tech insiders suggesting that laptops or e-Book readers might one day take the form of a “pen” housing a processor with a “sheet” of paper-like screen wrapped around them.