Imagine try taking pictures while on the move, imperfect, shaky reality emerges in front. But that could be an incident of the past with Google augmented reality Glasses. True sometime back Google unveiled the `Project Glass.’ And the Facebook is mushroomed with discussions about the glasses after one of Google employee Sebastian Thrun working on the test trails unveiled a photo of his son swinging in his arms. The glasses worn by the father captured the impeccable smile of his son while being in his hands. This could not have been possible under normal circumstances without external help. This picture appeared in the G+ account of Google VP Sebastian Thrun.
Well this is just a miniscule of what the glasses could do say experts. The glasses just are good enough to be featured in Steve Spielberg’s film as fictions or on Bond films as one of the rarest gadgets made by `Q’. As a sample Google glasses could do many rare antiques like layer your email, search the web and could even GPS you over the world. Quite amazing but true!!! Sometimes gadgets are stranger than their fictional counterparts, beyond normal imaginations.
Google unveiled the hi-tech spectacles featuring a miniature display that sits above the eye and lets users Google search, use GPS tracking, make calls, listen to music, update their diary and take pictures without lifting a finger, reported. The soon to hit the market from the tech-giant has ripped the social networking sites after the initial launch of this trail picture. The amazing thing is the photo has been shot by the person, whose hands are on the job of holding the child. Even Google Co-founder Sergei Brin seems to be overwhelmed with the hi-tech specs that he is testing the waters himself before marketing the product. (With Inputs from Internet- Aarkay)