More mobiles than humans by 2015!

July 20, 2012 15:36
More mobiles than humans by 2015!

Earlier when radios were a fashion some people used to have this luxurious possession while others used to flock around them. Then we had the TV taking the market like typhoon, but the availability was just one or may be a second one in the elite houses. Nevertheless, the mobile market has spread its dragnet far and wide that it looks like `life seems impossible without it.’ Such is the impact of this communication tool that serves one more earnestly than any other relationship in this eternal world.


The multi-tasking of this pocket wonder has kept us more attached to it. However, I really wonder if there is a person who has utilized the mobile phone thoroughly. Mobiles have taken the place of a wristwatch, calculator, personal radio, camera and what not! All this and more bundled into this miniature product, immensely appreciated by the user.


Recently there was a controversy in the country that there were lesser toilets than the mobiles in India. The controversy sparked a revolution of arguments. However a recent study has suggested that at the rate at which mobile sales is surging suggest that by 2015 humans will be leser than these mobiles.


According to a World Bank report, 75 percent of the world's population now has access to a mobile phone. The report estimates that by 2015 there will be 7.5 billion people in the world and nearly nine billion mobile subscriptions. Mobile subscribers in developing countries made up to 77 percent of subscribers worldwide in 2010, up from 29 percent in 2000.  As the population of mobile users becomes more diverse so do the ways in which they use their phones. The report found that over 30 billion apps for mobile phones were downloaded in 2011.  (With inputs from internet- AW AarKay)

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