Though the recent launch of the Google Nexus 7 has been a huge hit with the latest version of Android in the market, one factor has been quite a problem. Adobe has refused to make a Flash Player that is compatible with this version of Android OS.
Flash Player has become one of the most intergral aspects of web browsing and the lack of it would be clearly felt in the field with Adobe Flash not embracing the platform especially for all the Smartphone and Tablet users. Adobe has announced that it would work on Flash for computers while deploying AIR for mobile devices.
Android users with versions other than 4.1 would be able to use Flash Player only if their devices have it pre loaded or if they download it before August 15th 2012. If they upgrade to the latest OS it could cause instability and Adobe has advised users to uninstall the Flash Player before upgrading as it has not been tested on the latest OS. Future updates would be available to only customers having the Flash Player prior to August 15.
This move only seconds the statement of Apple CEO, formerly, late Steve Jobs who said that Adobe Flash Player is not suited for mobile devices.
(AW- Anil)