Although, Paypal has faced several hurdles in the past to provide their services to the Indian community, the administration says it has now resolved all the issues with the Reserve Bank of India for the people who prefer to shop online. Their new services which are to be introduced in India generate a lot if interest in the nation.
The administration themselves is very excited about their entry into the country. "We are excited about India. We have got the regulators on our side. Now we need to get our act together and develop products that will fit this market," said Dhruv Sawhney, a director in the company.
There are plans to introduce a point-of-sale application in India allowing people to send and make transactions of their debit cards via a mobile phone. This subsidiary of eBay was prevented by the local regulators from entering Indian market. Over 50% of the research for the applications of eBay are developed and researched in India; Bangalore primarily.
Paypal also plans to launch a money transfer application, which will let users send and receive money within the country. If all turns out as planned, shopping in India is about to see a complete revolution.
(AW- Anil)