Smart phone major, Spice has rolled out a new Android phone in to the Indian market, which runs on Gingerbread operating system. Named Stellar Xtacy Mi-352, this phone comes at a price of Rs. 4,600. It has got 3.5 inch HVGA display and resolution being 480x320 pixels. There's also a three megapixel camera.
If we look at the other specifications, Spice Stellar runs on 1300mAh battery and 1 GHz processor. The RAM speed is 256 MB. The extendable memory is up to 16 GB while the internal memory is 512 MB. Generally Spice phones are known for their stylish sleek looks. If we look at Spice M5900 and other low end mobiles, they comparatively look better than the current model although the latter one cannot be compared to others in terms of features. Anyway, let us wait and watch if Spice's new piece can give tough competition to some of the mobile phones in the market.
(AW Phani)