Laptop major Lenovo is all set to roll out Windows 8 enabled notebooks into Indian market. The basic version (IdeaPad Z500) with Windows 8 operating system would be costing around Rs. 48,990. This laptop would be having widescreen HD display with 15.6 inch screen. The processor is third generation i7. The storage capacity of Z500 Windows 8 laptop is 1 TB. RAM speed is 8GB. It also supports bluetooth and wifi.
When i3, i5 and i7 first generation processors were out in the market, Lenovo was the more sought after laptops some three years ago wherein second generation i3 system was costing around Rs.35,000 with more or less same features excluding the HDD storage, which was 500 GB. Spending another Rs.15000 today for seventh generation i7 processor with 1TB HDD is something amazing and worth getting one, said tech savvies. To know whether these laptops would be sold out like hot cakes, you need to wait for some more time.
(AW Phani)