Nokia Lumia 720 found its way to the Indian market today and would be retailing for a mid range price of Rs 18,999. Starting April 16th the sales of the phone will go live after the phone was unveiled globally back in February 2013 at the Mobile World Congress. However, is this the Windows 8 smartphone that you were looking for?
Lumia 720 is a Windows 8 mobile that is closer to the Lumia 920 in terms of the looks and the build though the same cannot be said about the quality and the performance. The phone is charged by a 1GHz dual core processor and a 4.3 inch screen with ClearBlack Display Technology which also has one of the best capacitative touch-sensitive screens out in the market today.
The 6.7 MP Carl Zeiss camera with a LED flash is the highlight of the phone, differetiating it from the other phones in the lower end segment of the Lumia series. While it offers little competitio to the Android mobiles, it might be aworthy competitor to the HTC 8S.
Only last month, Nokia revealed the Lumia 620 in India at Rs 14,999 and the cheapest Lumia 520 was launched at Rs 10,499. If you are looking at a Windows 8 phone on a tight budget, better chose the Lumia 620 which has the same features except for a half inch smaller screen and less powerful camera. Wireless charging is another premium benefit you can have with the Lumia 720.
Nokia Lumia 720 specifications:
Display: 4.3-inch LCD touchscreen with ClearBlack Display technology
Processor: 1GHz dual-core CPU
Memory: 8GB internal memory, microSD support up to 64GB, and 7GB free SkyDrive storage
Camera: 6.7MP Carl Zeiss rear camera with LED flash, 1.3MP front camera
Connectivity: 2G, 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 3.0, microUSB 2.0 and NFC.
Battery: 2,000mAh battery.
(AW- Anil)