After a neck to neck game, Sunrisers Hyderabad had to face a harrowing defeat at the hands of the mighty MSD who led the team to victory with the cool of mind that every captain needs. Chennai Superkings have not managed to restrict Hyderabad to their regular total that is around 120s. With the final overs going for a toss, SRH finished at 159. Chennai had to face SRH's only USP, excellence in bowling. But Dhoni made sure that they had no trouble doing so, winning the match and also the title of Man of the Match.
Chennai vs Hyderabad, 34th Match, Chennai
Chennai: 160/5 (19.4 Ovs)
Hyderabad: 159/6 (20.0 Ovs)
Chennai won by 5 wkts
Today, Kings XI Punjay will tour Kolkata in a fierce battle against Kolkata Knight Riders who just seem to be back in form will be looking to win this game at all costs. Punjab has also been in good form with the victories will be looking to gain a couple of positions in the leader board to stand at #3 after the game.
(AW- Anil)