Indian smartphone maker, Micromax overtook South Korean Samsung Electronics for the first time in the sales of smartphones in the country. The research firm Canalys has reported that Micromax smartphone sales accounted 22 percent for the October to December quarter while Samsung stood second the race with only 20 percent sales. Canalys also added that 21.6 million smartphones were sold in India and it is up by a huge margin of 90 percent compared to the previous year.
According to the report, 25 percent of smartphones which were sold, are priced under Rs 6100 and 41 percent smartphones are priced between Rs 6,100 - Rs. 12,200. Micromax has wide range of budget smartphones and this is the reason for it to top the charts while Samsung devices have become little costly in the year 2014.
Interestingly, Karbonn and Lava stood in the following positions in the smartphones sales. Like its 'logo,' Micromax has punched Samsung to second place.