Overweight is one problem that has been bothering many people for quite sometime. Blame it the lifestyle or lack of exercise, excess fat storage in the body has been taking health for a toss with many people. People slowly started realizing the importance of burning the fat. They are focusing more on reducing the fat but unfortunately in shortcut methods that are proving fatal, sometimes.
Earlier, it was walking that was the only solution to reducing excess fat. Later came gyms and latest exercise equipments, which not only promised to burn fat but also develop muscles. And now, liposuction surgeries and fat burning creams are hitting newspapers and banners across streets. But do you think that these shortcut methods are really healthy? Certainly not, stressed many doctors.
So many people knocked the doors of hell and resigned permanently from life only because they entered operation theatres to come out with flat bellies and slim bodies after a couple of hours of operation. Yes, these short cut methods of burning fat will have equal amount of side effects. In fact, fat burning gels and creams too aren't good to burn fat. They apparently make stomach so tight that you may sometimes feel it a tough task to take deep breath. And if there's no enough oxygen supply to the brain, you may even end up getting brain strokes.
In fact, not just fat burning for that case, but anything that promises to transform you (outwardly or inwardly) overnight will really take toll on your life. Success doesn't come in a day. Similarly, if you want to reduce weight, it won't happen overnight. First thing you need to follow is strict diet. Now don't think dieting is to refraining yourself from food and starving to the core. By diet we mean, a healthy intake of food, which has balanced proteins, carbohydrates, fibre etc.
Secondly, never ever ignore walking and jogging. Our ancestors knew no gyms those days. All they did was walked miles together and worked in the fields under hot sun. And that was the reason why they lead a long, healthy and happy life. Say no to artificial methods of burning fat...practice, and propagate!
(AW Phani)