(Image source from: Timesofindia.indiatimes.com)
Tips to Handle Blackheads:- Blackheads appear due to the mix of oil and dead skin cells. Their exposure to air causes to oxidize and leave the skin black. Blackheads mostly appear on the back, neck, face, chest, shoulders and arms. Here are the tips to handle blackheads:
Salicylic acid is the perfect ingredient for blackheads and whiteheads as it breaks down the excess oil and dead skin cells. But this cannot be used more than once every few days.
Consult the dermatologist for effective night creams so that the dead skin cells can be built. A skin brush can help you kill blackheads.
Clay and charcoal masks too work well for blackheads. When mixed with water and applied on skin, it acts like a magnet and draws impurities from the pores.
Use a moisturiser so that the skin remains healthy. It is advisable to avoid comedogenic makeup.