(Image source from: Olay.co.uk)
Special tips to fix Puffy Eyes:- The biggest challenge for any woman is all about puffy eyes. The skin around the eyes will start to swell. This happens because of the lack of sleep, excessive crying or tiredness. Here are some tips to get rid of puffy eyes:
Keep two potato slices in a refrigerator and place them on your eyes for 15 minutes. This will help your skin to relax and will reduce the retention of water. You can do the same with cucumber slices and this reduces puffiness.
There would be a gel in the aloe vera leaves. This gel can be applied to reduce the swelling under the eyes. This gel should be refrigerated before applying and they can reduce the under eye bags.
Also keep yourself hydrated to reduce the under eye bags and reduce the skin swelling. Drink a lot of water to reduce the swelling.