Popular singer Gaddar made his first comments on the Telangana Rashtra Samithi government after being voted into power this May. Gaddar met Telangana CM KCR's secretary Narasinga Rao and handed him a letter in which he appealed to increase the height of Haldi dam. After the meeting, Gaddar was surrounded by media persons and they asked about his view on the TRS government.
The rebel singer opined that the political system has changed in Telangana but the economy policy did not change. Gaddar added that, “Economic policy of the state should also change and then only people will get the fruits of government schemes. If the economic policy won't change then the democratic space will change into revolutionary space. If the TRS government implements 25 per cent of its election promises, then it will be a victory to them in the coming elections.”
Gaddar also made bitter remarks that KCR's proposals like three acres to Dalits and homes to them are not new schemes but what necessary measures government will take on the economic policy is crucial. He also questioned about the future of students who were booked in more 100 to 150 cases during the Telangana moment was alive. Overall, Gaddar was very cautious about his statements to avoid unnecessary controversies and lastly added that TRS government should be given more time.
(AW: Vamshi)