Little did a Philadelphia man know that illegal barter system was one way to get by his cab fare or probably he was too stoned to understand the basics of paying his cab fare?
Michael Medvec got on a cab in Philadelphia and went around a few blocks. His fare meter showed $8 to which he immediately put his hands in the pocket and instead of drawing his wallet, he pulled out a small bag of weed. He offered weed instead of the $8 bucks.
The cab driver who was not pleased by the deal called the cops who were within earshot. After explaining the situation that he was defaulting on the cab fare and instead trying to pay up in weed, they apprehended the airhead.
He was jailed for a day on Friday and released the next day. There are other instances where few people tried to put up weed instead of cash as a means of paying up their cheques. Few could get away with it while few others had to learn their lessons the hard way like Medvec.
(AW- Anil)