The three-year-old school girl was raped in school premises in Bengaluru, where the girl's parents reportedly said that their daughter was molested couple of times once in October and again in November by school attendant. When the girl return back to home from school on November 26, at 12:30 pm, she has observed that something went wrong with her daughter. Later, the three year old girl fell ill and could not attend to school for the next couple of days.
Bengaluru City Police Commissioner M N Reddi insists that they have arrested that school attendant named Nagaraj and charged under Sections 5(m) (f), 6, and 21 of the POCSO Act, along with Sections 188, 336, and 376 of the IPC. In another incident in Bengaluru last month, a private school office assistant was arrested for sexual assault of a three-and-a-half-year girl. An eight-year-old girl also allegedly sexually assaulted by her 63-year-old Hindi teacher inside her school premises in August.
- Simha Raju