Human Resources Development minister Smriti Irani went a war with Times of India for publishing a report regarding asking the schools to be open on the Christmas day. The Times claimed that the government has passed the orders to schools and directing the institutions to be open to observe 'good governance' day. This report created a huge storm in the Rajya Sabha today.
“Dear @timesofindia deliberate mischief by ur reporter on the front page today. All schools closed for XMas, essay competition only online. Dear @timesofindia I wish this reporter had the decency to at least check with people frm TOI who cover d HRD beat Or for that matter verify d same with Secretary School Education, unless the idea was to deliberately misreport @timesofindia if truth is a virtue u cherish can I c a retraction tomorrow on the front page in bold. Dear @timesofindia even the essay competition online is VOLUNTARY,” wrote Smriti.