The newly elected Bharatiya Janata Party, Jharkhand legislators have selected their chief minister candidate and he is Raghubar Das, the first non-tribal going to be CM of the state that was formed 14 years ago. BJP observers JP Nadda and Vinay Sahastrabuddhe attended the Legislative party meeting and in the presences of observers, Raghubar Das emerged as the front runner. Saryu Roy was also in the race for the top post.
BJP will form the 10th government in Jharkhand. BJP in alliance with AJSU secured 42 seats out of the 81 Jharkhand Assembly in the just concluded elections. Raghubar Das is a five time legislator, also worked as deputy Chief Minister and vice President of the party in the past. BJP is considering a tribal leader for the Deputy post as they form 32 percent of the state's population.