Tales stranger than fiction, after Hollywood depiction of sharks haunting humans in their fictional thriller series JAWS, this story is about Florence the six feet shark, a veggie by choice. The food habits were however not the same early but after its handlers Birmingham National Sea life Centre (BNSLC) brought her here after a surgery at the International Zoo Veterinary Group in Bristol. Florence was having a rusty hook in her jaw and was operated in 2009 after a mammoth exercise. Later the mouth was filled with razor-sharp, serrated teeth designed for demolishing fish and crustaceans.
However Florence is happy with her veggie diet and if PETA conducts an annual award for animals Florence will be its brand ambassador winning the lone award. Unlike our horror films Florence is comparatively dormant and is a veggie by choice. The BNSLC curator Graham Burrows says "We're having to hide pieces of fish inside celery sticks, hollowed out cucumbers and between the leaves of lettuces to get her to eat them. And it has to be well hidden, because if she realises it's there, she'll ignore the offering and wait for the strictly vegetarian option." Even though Florence desires vegetables, wildlife specialists say she needs her meat to obtain proper nutrition. The reason for this disclosed feeding is the curator wants to see the fish healthy forever.
This nurse shark veggie is sure to knock our fears off, after the horror movies that gave us insights into the horrendous tactics of these sharks. (With Inputs from Internet- Aarkay)