Samsung Electronics rolled out its Galaxy S3 into the European market on Tuesday and it has received a good response even from the critics. While hailing Galaxy S3, critics have said that this smart phone is light years ahead of its rival iPhone by Apple.
TechRadar magazine has asked people to forget iPhone 4 while mentioning about Galaxy S3. So what is it that critics like? Lets look at them.
What attracts critics?
The critics have likely the extremely beautiful design. With curved corners and metal trim, Galaxy S3’s appearance itself apparently stolen the attention of critics. Not to forget 1.4 Ghz quad-core exynos processor when we talk about the best features of this smart phone. The processor has the capability to play the movies in a pop-up windows even when one surfs the internet.
Since the phone automatically adjusts the screen brightness tracking the eye movement of the user, one can use this phone for longer hours without the need of charging. That mean’s the battery back up is comparatively better.
The critics even have all praises for 4.8 inch super amoled screen that’s extremely sharp and vibrant. All in all, Galaxy S3 seems to be giving tough competition to its rival iPhone 4. (Phani)