On Monday, Microsoft had revealed their new Office which had received a major makeover to become popular with the tablets and smartphones.
Chief Executive Steve Balmer has led the inauguration of the latest software at a press event in San Francisco.
Like its earlier versions it offers Word for documents, Excel for spreadsheets and many others too which have ben optimized for use on touchscreen devises but can be accessed just as well with the styluses and mouse interfaces. It can also link the files to cloud so the smartphone and tablet segment of the market can also make the most of the software.
The new Office was designed from scratch and was targeting the Windows 8 OS more which is soon to release this October and also the other devices that would incorporate this OS.
Balmer confirmed that since Office is aiming at service first it has been undergoing transformations to meet the OS and new systems in vogue now, and hence being optimized for a variety of hardware.
The use of the documents was demonstrated with the help of a tablet device by the vice president. Integration of Skype into the new Office software was another advantage allowing you to make video calls over the internet in no time. Office 365 is another online service of the Office that is available for the cloud subscribers only.
The new software is available online at office.com/preview.
Skype and Yammer which have recently been acquired by Microsoft have been integrated into the latest Office and thereby eliminating the need to use special applications for communication and collaboration.
The all new Office 2013 is a strong blow to Google Documents both in the PC and mobile sections.
(AW- Anil)