With the Olympics grabbing the attention worldwide, Google has managed to capitalize on it the best way it can. The Google doodle which is generally something every geek common man waits to see has taken the Olympic theme churning out newer doodles everyday. Initially, the doodle's though creative were not up to the "Google" standards. The people's woes were not left unheard after Google has added a bit of action to the doodles since the last three days. With a total of 14 Google Doodles already, the last three were interactive allowing the users to play. Interactive hurdles and basketball doodles had become obsolete with the London 2012 Slalom Canoe doodle addition.
The London 2012 Slalom Canoe interactive doodle allows you to slalom your way to finish while you have to dodge rocks, animal and other obstacles. As is the case with all the races, the faster you finish the better you fare. Rankings were no different from the earlier games with a 1 star, two star or three star ratings.
The game has a yellow cane with a paddler sitting in it who can be controlled with your right and left arrow keys. The faster you press the directions alternating them, the faster he paddles downstream. We have also found out that you can click on the doodle to achieve the same and could be a faster way to score better times. The green poled along the course are your path to slalom. Manage to avoid the obstacles by pressing a directional key to sway away from them.
Keep watching the space for you cannot guess how addictive the next doodle is going to be.
(AW- Anil)