Not able to manage work and home? Is multi tasking the only thing that is bothering you or your health that is becoming the concern for you to work extra? is your negligence towards your health is creating a problem for you being tired soon? Here are some measures you can follow for your good health;
These days, it is because of our food habits and life style we are ending up with hell lot of health problems even before you are in your 30s…
In order to get rid of general health problems and keep your body active, you may follow;
Drinking at least 8 – 12 glasses of water every day…
Including fresh fruits and veggies in your diet…
Cut down on all those junk and carbs and eat as healthy as possible..
Increase the fiber percentage in your body with cereals…
Dry fruits are your health’s best friends… include eating dry fruits as a part of your daily diet routine.
Irrespective of your daily routine, try doing minimum exercises like Yoga, walking or you can always choose aerobics and dance as your mode of exercise… these would not only burn extra fat in your body but also help you stay fit, make your body light and transform yourself into better.
Always start your day with heavy breakfast. Your body and mind needs a heavy meal to carry forward throughout the day. Remember, the quantity of your lunch should be moderate and dinner should be as light as possible…
Start following these simple tips to maintain your general health perfect.