• Santosh Srinivas, Hyper movie, director santosh srinivas is back, It hype

    Director Santosh Srinivas is Back ! 23 September 2016

    Post the release of 'Kandireega', Santosh Srinivas became one of the most sought out directors in Tollywood. But, 'Rabhasa' brought him craze down as it turned out as a disaster. After a gap of 2 years, Santosh is coming up...

    Keywords: Tollywood, Santosh Srinivas, Bollywood craze, Tollywood

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    Blood Pressure new tips, Blood Pressure tips, few effective tips to control blood pressure, It hype

    Few effective tips to control Blood Pressure 06 April 2022

    Few effective tips to control Blood Pressure:- Hypertension is a form in which the blood pressure in the human body gets increased. Some of the common factors for blood pressure are Obesity, Genetics, health issues and an unhealthy diet. It...

    Keywords: how to control Blood Pressure, Blood Pressure tips, Blood Pressure tips, Blood Pressure new tips

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    Antihypertensive drugs may protect you from Alzheimer’s disease, Patients with high BP are protected from Alzheimer’s, high bp patients have lower risk for alzheimer s study revealed, It hype

    High BP patients have lower risk for Alzheimer’s, study revealed 29 June 2015

    A study proved that antihypertensive patients have lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The study was appeared in the journal Plos Medicine.The scientists analysed the genetic data from 17,008 individuals with Alzheimer's and 37,154 people without the disease. The team looked...

    Keywords: link between high BP and Alzheimer’s, Patients with high BP are protected from Alzheimer’s, antihypertensive drugs related to Alzheimers, how to prevent Alzheimer’s disease

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    Bibop G Gresta, Prototype, htt to enter indian market with new prototype, It hype

    HTT To Enter Indian Market With New Prototype 28 March 2017

    Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, also known as HTT, an American research company, aims to enter the Indian market, with a new prototype. The company said, the prototype, would be “cheaper and more efficient”, model than its fellow American competitor, Los Angeles-based...

    Keywords: Prototype, Hyperloop One, Prototype, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies

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    Ram, 14 Reels Entertainments, ram s next title confirmed, It hype

    Ram’s Next Title Confirmed 30 July 2016

    Energetic Star Ram scored his career’s best with Nenu Sailaja this year and he is shooting for his next upcoming movie in the direction of Santosh Srinivas. The duo worked earlier for the film Kandireega which was a massive hit....

    Keywords: Hyper news, 14 Reels Entertainments, 14 Reels Entertainments, Sanotsh Srinivas

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    KCR, Swacch Hyderabad, is swacch hyderabad a hype, It hype

    Is Swacch Hyderabad, a hype? 16 May 2015

    It is known that the 'Swacch Hyderabad' is going to take its launch on May 16th. All the government officials are participating in this event which lasts for 5 days continuously. The government is aiming to take out 55000 metric...

    Keywords: RTC, RTC, KCR, RTC

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    Hypertension news, Hypertension food habits, foods that can keep hypertension away, It hype

    Foods that can keep hypertension away 21 June 2021

    Foods that can keep hypertension away:- Hypertension is one of the most common diseases found in humans and it is even named as a silent killer. It has no symptoms and the blood pressure fluctuates badly and reaches a high...

    Keywords: Hypertension breaking news, Hypertension updates, Hypertension food habits, Hypertension updates

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    Pregnant women with high BP latest, Pregnant women with high BP latest, pregnant women with high bp are susceptible to heart disease, It hype

    Pregnant Women With High BP Are Susceptible To Heart Disease 06 July 2020

    Pregnant Women With High BP Are Susceptible To Heart Disease:- Researchers warn that pregnant women who experience high blood pressure during pregnancy have more chances to develop heart failure or heart related diseases in the future. The research has been...

    Keywords: gestational hypertension news, Pregnant women with high BP new updates, Pregnant women with high BP latest, Pregnant women with high BP new updates

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    Blood thinners, Blood thinners, side effects of consuming more multivitamins, It hype

    Side-effects of consuming more multivitamins 10 November 2023

    Side-effects of consuming more multivitamins:- Consuming multivitamins or exceeding the subscribed limit of multivitamins has harmful side effects. While vitamins are essential for our well-being and for maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle, there are harmful side effects too. Relying...

    Keywords: mineral capsules, side effects of excess vitamin intake, excess of vitamin K, Consuming vitamins

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    Hyperloop news, Amaravathi, amaravathi to vijayawada in 6 minutes, It hype

    Amaravathi to Vijayawada in 6 Minutes 07 September 2017

    Andhra Pradesh government is keen on developing the new capital Amaravathi with world class technology in all the available ways. Many International companies have been stepping forward to be a part of the state’s development. Now the latest update says...

    Keywords: Hyperloop news, Vijayawada, Vijayawada, Amaravathi

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    Hypertension updates, Hibiscus Tea blood pressure, hibiscus tea can cut the risk of hypertension, It hype

    Hibiscus Tea can cut the risk of Hypertension 02 February 2022

    Hibiscus Tea can cut the risk of Hypertension:- Hypertension is one serious health condition and one needs to be conscious. People have to consult a doctor but should find natural methods to lower the blood pressure. The risk of several...

    Keywords: Hibiscus Tea blood pressure, Hibiscus Tea, Hypertension news, Hypertension tips

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    High Blood Pressure updates, High Blood Pressure exercises, things to do to control high blood pressure, It hype

    Things To Do To Control High Blood Pressure 05 November 2021

    Things To Do To Control High Blood Pressure:- Hypertension or high blood pressure is a state where the pressure of blood flow is high against the arteries and vessels. Hypertension comes without any symptoms and can result in a heart...

    Keywords: High Blood Pressure exercises, High Blood Pressure updates, Hypertension exercises, High Blood Pressure news

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    Hyper Movie Review and Rating, Hyper Live Updates, hyper movie review and ratings, It hype

    Hyper Movie Review and Ratings 29 September 2016

    Hyper is the story of Surya (Ram) who is a fun loving guy who has extreme love towards his father Narayana Murthy (Satyaraj) who is a sincere government officer. It is his love for his dad that lands him trouble....

    Keywords: Hyper Live Updates, Raashi Khanna, Hyper Telugu Movie Review, Ram

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    yerwada jail, yerwada jail, sanjay dutt suffering from hypertension, It hype

    Sanjay Dutt suffering from hypertension 23 July 2013

    Sanjay Dutt, who is serving his jail term in connection with the 1993 Mumbai Blasts case, is suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure) and insomnia. Further to say, the team of doctors who examined Sanjay Dutt, found out he is...

    Keywords: sanjay dutt suffering from hypertension, yerwada jail, sanjay dutt suffering from hypertension, sanjay dutt suffering from hypertension

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    Hypertension health habits, Hypertension, best sleeping position to keep bp under control, It hype

    Best sleeping position to keep BP under Control 24 May 2022

    Best sleeping position to keep BP under Control:- A state where blood crashes at a high pace is called Hypertension or high blood pressure. The artery walls will get damaged if the blood pressure is not kept in control. High...

    Keywords: Hypertension tips, Hypertension latest, Hypertension latest, Hypertension new updates

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    Common blood test can predict future hypertension risk, common blood test, common blood test can predict future hypertension risk, It hype

    Common blood test can predict future hypertension risk 27 August 2015

    The researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine have found that a common blood test which is used to verify heart muscle damage from heart attacks could also identify future risk of developing hypertension. People with higher levels of the cardiac regulatory...

    Keywords: common blood test, common blood test to determine future hypertension risk, Common blood test can predict future hypertension risk, Common blood test can predict future hypertension risk

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    Hypertension, hospital, vani s health condition not stable, It hype

    Vani’s Health Condition not Stable! 11 July 2016

    Veena-Vani the conjoined twins at Niloufer Hospital have been in news from many year. Recently, Vani has developed hypertension. As per the latest reports Vani’s cerebral blood vessels has narrowed due to stenosis. Doctors assueme that this might have happened...

    Keywords: hospital, health, Veena-vani, hospital

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    Parenting tips, Kids-Parents relationship, negative effects of critical parenting, It hype

    Negative Effects of Critical Parenting 16 October 2023

    Negative Effects of Critical Parenting:- Having a critical parent is profoundly traumatizing, these types of kids will develop very low self-confidence. Critical parenting will also take away the emotions and sense of self-worth. This childhood trauma caused by typical parenting...

    Keywords: Parenting Tips-Kids health, Critical parenting, Toxic relationship-Parent tips, Parenting tips

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    Purkharam from Rajasthan, Axis Hypersomnia study, a rajasthan man sleeps for 300 days a year due to axis hypersomnia, It hype

    A Rajasthan Man sleeps for 300 days a year due to Axis Hypersomnia 16 July 2021

    A Rajasthan Man sleeps for 300 days a year due to Axis Hypersomnia:- It is quite shocking but a man from Nagaur district of Rajasthan sleeps 20-25 days in a month and 300 days per year. It is due to...

    Keywords: Purkharam, Axis Hypersomnia latest, Purkharam, Axis Hypersomnia disorder

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    Attarintiki Daredi Movie Release Date, Mega Fans, surprises in store for attarintiki daredi fans, It hype

    Surprises in store for Attarintiki Daredi fans 22 July 2013

    For those who are waiting eagerly for Pawan Kalyan Attarintiki Daredi film, there is a surprise in store. It will not be revealed before the movie's release. The suspense will continue until its release date on 7th August, when the...

    Keywords: Pawan Kalyan's Attarintiki Daredi, aaradugula bullet, Pawan Kalyan Attarintiki Daredi film, Attarintiki Daredi songs

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