Power outage

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  • power outage, power crisis, trs leaders arrested for vidyut protests, Power outage

    TRS leaders arrested for Vidyut protests 21 August 2012

    Telangana Rashtra Samithi leaders who started their protest against the erratic power outage in the Telangana region were arrested. The leaders staged a protest in front of the office of the Transco headquarters in the state capital. They said that...

    Keywords: power outage, trs arrested., vidyan soudha, trs arrested.

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    Northern Grid, Northern Grid, flight serivices unaffected by the power outages, Power outage

    Flight serivices unaffected by the power outages 31 July 2012

    Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport had no interruption of services even after the power supply was snappeed for the second day in a row after North grid collapse. Electricity supply stops at 1:04 pm but fortunately due to the diesel...

    Keywords: DIAL, indira gandhi international airport, IGIA, Northern Grid

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    tdp, Ravula Chandrasekar Reddy, tdp wants white dox on power crisis, Power outage

    TDP wants white dox on Power crisis 27 August 2012

    Telugu Desam Party wanted the ruling Congress, to issue a white paper on the power situation in the state. The major opposition wanted to know the actual situation the state is going through at the moment in the power segment. ...

    Keywords: fapi, power crisis, fapi, power outage

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    industry power, ap, power crisis takes center stage, Power outage

    Power Crisis takes center stage! 21 August 2012

    Well it is not the usual power crisis one imagines that we are talking about, we are speaking about the power outage faced by the state. While some blame it on the improper management of the government, others feel otherwise....

    Keywords: ap, power crisis, ap, power outage

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    power outage, harish rao, t jac slams congress for arrests in power protest, Power outage

    T-JAC slams Congress for arrests in 'power protest' 22 August 2012

    Telangana Rashtra Samithi leaders who were arrested yesterday where protesting over public issues and detaining them was not correct, felt the Telangana Joint Action Committee (TJAC). TJAC today asked the concerned to immediately release the leaders arrested, yesterday. TJAC submitted...

    Keywords: vidyan soudha, trs, trs, farmer power

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    power projects, power crisis, warangal collector switch off acs, Power outage

    Warangal Collector:'switch off ACs' 22 August 2012

    Frequent power cuts have made people look for alternatives. While the affluent use generator to run their fans, the less fortunate use the hand fans. The innovating has not just stopped with individuals and even government offices seems to have...

    Keywords: fapi, power projects, power crisis, ap

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    power projects, power outage, tdp plans massive protests on power, Power outage

    TDP plans massive protests on 'power' 27 August 2012

    Telugu Desam Party is planning a massive protests over the recent power outages that people are suffering extensively. The TDP executive team met over the issue at the NTR Trust Bhavan in the morning and has already gone into the...

    Keywords: tdp, power outage, Ravula Chandrasekar Reddy, tdp

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    brooklyn, new york, sandy hits the land new york manhattan blacked out, Power outage

    Sandy hits the land: New York, Manhattan blacked out 30 October 2012

    The hybrid super-storm which is expected to be the biggest storm to hit US has made landfall in the nation creating havoc while it caused power outages dousing parts of New York and inundating Lower Manhattan on Monday. A few...

    Keywords: hurricane sandy, brooklyn, new york, United states

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    power outage Hyderabad complaints, power outage Hyderabad resumed, power outage continues for third consecutive day in hyderabad, Power outage

    Power Outage Continues for Third Consecutive Day in Hyderabad 15 October 2020

    Power Outage Continues for Third Consecutive Day in Hyderabad:- The heavy rain in Hyderabad damaged the Telangana capital badly and close to 20 people passed away within the limits of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC). Several low-lying areas are flooded...

    Keywords: Telangana rains, power outage Hyderabad new updates, Hyderabad drowned, power outage Hyderabad latest updates

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    hurricane sandy, United states, sandy hits the land new york manhattan blacked out, Power outage

    Sandy hits the land: New York, Manhattan blacked out 30 October 2012

    The hybrid super-storm which is expected to be the biggest storm to hit US has made landfall in the nation creating havoc while it caused power outages dousing parts of New York and inundating Lower Manhattan on Monday. A few...

    Keywords: new york, United states, floods, United states

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    trs, power outage, power emergency must be announced ktr, Power outage

    Power emergency must be announced: KTR 22 August 2012

    The government must declare a power emergency in the state and must urge the center to divert the unused power quota to the state. Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) leader today slammed the ruling Congress government over the recent arrest of...

    Keywords: ktr, power outage, vidyan soudha, power outage

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    industry power, ap, power crisis projects must get adequate water, Power outage

    Power crisis: Projects must get adequate water 21 August 2012

    The water levels must increase in the projects to tide over the present power crisis. Unless adequate water reaches the Hydro power projects, the frequent power outage cannot be avoided. The Central Power Distribution Company of AP limited, Managing Director...

    Keywords: power outage, power projects, power outage, ap

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    power crisis, power crisis, jana blames nature calamity for power crisis, Power outage

    Jana blames nature calamity for power crisis 22 August 2012

    Minister for Panchayat Raj & Rural Water Supply Jana Reddy blamed the natural disasters the main reasons for the recent power crisis in the state. He said that the improper indent for the required power was also one of the...

    Keywords: harish rao, trs, jana reddy, power crisis

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    power projects, power outage, villages to get solar power, Power outage

    Villages to get Solar Power 27 August 2012

    The state government plans to equip villages, which are the most suffered in the recent power outages, with solar power. The Non-conventional Energy Sources Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh (NEDCAP) is charting a proposal to equip new villages with total...

    Keywords: solar power, power crisis, ap, power outage

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    cpm, protests, erratic power cuts abnormal hikes irks public ill, Power outage

    Erratic power cuts, abnormal hikes irks public-ill 19 August 2012

    The state is facing an uneven power crisis. Erratic power cuts and abnormal hikes have ruined the public life. Be in the cities or in the rural areas power cuts have been on the surge. It has become a common...

    Keywords: power outage, surcharge hikes, surcharge hikes, power outage

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    Hyderabad rains, Hyderabad hailstorm, thunderstorm in hyderabad power outage and traffic jams, Power outage

    Thunderstorm In Hyderabad: Power Outage And Traffic Jams 07 April 2018

    Thunderstorm In Hyderabad: Power Outage And Traffic Jams:- When the temperatures have been keeping Hyderabadis soaring, the hail and thunderstorms have been bringing huge relief for the people in the city. For the second time this week, the city witnessed...

    Keywords: Hyderabad next, Hyderabad, Hyderabad news, Hyderabad

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    Power went out, Power went out, nj transit power outage causes more than 2 hours amtrack delays, Power outage

    NJ Transit Power Outage causes more than 2 hours Amtrack delays 23 September 2011

    On Thursady morning,A daily travelers on New Jersey Transit and Amtrak trains were tangled for more than two hours,when power went out in a tunnel between New York City and Newark. Passengers are being alerted to expect delays because of the...

    Keywords: New Jersey, New Jersey, two hours, New Jersey

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    fapi, power crisis, govt offers 20 subsidy for gensets, Power outage

    Govt offers 20% subsidy for gensets! 22 August 2012

    Medium scale industries are encouraged to buy generators due to the ongoing power outages. The government seems to have said that the medium scale industries could claim 20 percent subsidy on such purchase. The Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy...

    Keywords: power outage, power crisis, power outage, power outage

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    power crisis, industry power, power outage ruins chances of industrial survival, Power outage

    Power outage ruins chances of industrial survival 21 August 2012

    The state industrial association held the state government for the erratic power outage that prevails in the state. The Federation of Andhra Pradesh Industry (FAPI) felt that the state government was incapability resulted in the power crisis in the state....

    Keywords: ap, fapi, power outage, fapi

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