A Palestinian hacker made sure Facebook noticed him by highlighting a glitch that could allow strangers to post on a user's wall. Normally, only a 'friend' has the authorization to post anything on a user's FB wall. This hacker showed otherwise.
Khalil Shreateh was looking for the $500 reward that Facebook offers to those who identify bugs and report them to the security team. The purpose was to prevent the hackers from misusing any vulnerability. However, this hacker was not taken seriously when he went through the right channels.
The company brushed him off, saying what he identified was not a bug. Not one to takes this idly, Shreateh showed the team it is possible to post something on the wall of a person he is not a friend of. And he chose the wall of none other than the company's CEO himself, Mark Zuckerberg.
His post was a polite explanation about himself and his thoughts on the bug. Unsurprisingly, the reaction this time was immediate. The issue was addressed, but the company refused the promised amount as Shreateh used illegal means to make his point.
On the brighter side, he is now hired to identify other bugs, for which he will be paid handsomely.
Photo Courtesy: Dailymail
(AW: Sruthi)