To sleep like a child, there are several factors to keep in mind. One of the common cause of insomnia is the presence of blinking instruments such as phones beside you. The light from these gadgets interfere with sleep. For those who take frequent naps, experts warn against it. For a restful sleep at night, one needs to avoid naps in the late afternoon, or before 8 hours of the designated sleep time. If drowsy, it is advised to take ice cold water.
Worrying about the upcoming busy day also plays spoilsport for good sleep. If you keep glancing at the clock every few hours, it will keep you on edge and prevents you from relaxing. Using the right pillows is an unsaid necessity of good sleep. Take those fluffy pillows and use them as comfortable as it makes you.
Another common cause for sleeplessness is untimely habits. When you make sleeping a routine, you will begin to doze off easier and happier.
(AW: Sruthi)