After Katrina Kaif and Ranbir Kapoor, Cricketer Virat Kohli and PK actress Anushka Sharma are reportedly much-in-love couple planning to move-in together. Virat and Anushka Sharma have been dating from past year and the sizzling couple are spending much time together. Recently, Anushka Sharma also celebrated Kohli's 26th birthday in Ahmedabad and the duo also went for private dinner in a restaurant.
Virat Kohli has already discussed over live-in relationship with Anushka, but the ‘Barfi’ star is likely avoiding over this proposal of moving together. However, Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif have begun live-in relationship in a rented flat in carter road near Bandra, while the couple reportedly are going to marry next year.
Kohli and Anushka Sharma have arrives together in a private party thrown by moviemaker Karan Johan last week, where the pair has joined together with Katrina Kaif and Ranbir Kapoor. Reportedly, Kohli has spotted having a serious conversation with Ranbir during party.
- Simha Raju