The High Court of Hyderabad has rejected the petition of news channel ABN AndhraJyothy which has filed a PIL to lift the ban of channel's telecast in Telangana state. ABN channel Associate Editor Murthy has filed this petition but the High Court rejected and suggested to see other legal ways in this case. The Judge also opined that approaching Court won't solve the problem and in fact will make the issue more complex.
Petition on Ravi Prakash
LB Nagar police have filed a petition on news channel TV9 CEO Ravi Prakash, seeking his personal presence at the High Court in connection with the derogatory statements made on Telangana legislators. Already Ravi Prakash has approached the court for anticipatory bail in this case and the High Court has ordered to file a counter. The case has been postponed 30th of this month.
(AW: Vamshi)