A Delhi court has slapped Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari with Rs 10,000 fine for failing to comply with its orders in his own criminal defamation case filed against former Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal. Earlier this year, Kejriwal was arrested and sent to jail in this case and later got a bail. Gadkari was supposed to comply with the court's order regarding filing of an affidavit three days before the scheduled hearing on Saturday.
Meanwhile Nitin Gadkari failed to submit the relevant documents to the court on December 20th and fumed over this, Court imposed a fine of Rs 10,000. The court has postponed this case to March 21st 2015. Senior advocate Pinki Anand appeared before the court for Nitin Gadkari while Prashant Bhushan is advocating for Arvind Kejriwal.