India-born Sundar Pichai who is already in-charge of Android, Chrome and Google Apps, was made the chief of core Google products which include search and maps. According to the Recode magazine, Sundar's promotion would ease pressure on Google' CEO Larry Page who wants to focus on the overall business.
Sundar Pichai is one of the most respected executive of the company and has been associated with Google since 2004. Earlier Twitter and Microsoft tried to hire Sundar Pichai but this 42 year from Chennai preferred to stay in the company. He studied in Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University and the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur in the relevant fields.
The recently launched 'Android One' is a product of Sundar Pichai and the key is to make the most of the web with the help of Google. Sundar is in clear race to climb the ladder vertically in the company and let's wait what heights will he touch in the future.
(AW: Vamshi)