Health And Wellness Tips For Winter:- Winter can be a trying time both mentally and physically. The days are darker, colder and shorter and our bodies become more susceptible to all kinds of winter nasties like cold and flu. It may sound tempting just to stay indoors and hide from it all. But, being proactive about your health and well being will help ensure that you make it through the cooler months cold and flu-free, and in tip-top shape to enjoy the summer.
Shorter days and colder weather can lead to some bad habits. Health-conscious people who normally exercise and eat their vegetables may find themselves sitting indoors, watching television, and eating junk food during the winter. Your health is important throughout all stages of life, and throughout the entire year.
Listed below are a few health and wellness tips for winter to help you stay in good health.
1) Indoor Air Quality
People tend to spend more time indoors when the temperature drops. Indoor air quality is often lower than the quality of the air outdoors. Indoor air pollutants and allergens can have a negative effect on your health.
- Vacuum twice a week and clean the filter regularly, wash sheets each week, and keep a clean home.
- Replace air filters each month.
- Make a point to spend time outside.
2) Wash Hands
Sounds simple but it is the simple and effective way to stop the spread of germs. It is usually recommended by experts to wash hands every for few hours and especially in particular after using the toilet and before meals. Give them a wash after touching someone else’s phone or keyboard at work.
3) Get Vaccinated
Against the major strains of flu including the 2009 pandemic swine flu, the seasonal flu jab provides 12 months of cover. The best way to avoid the flu virus is by getting vaccinated. Washing your hands can only do so much, and it’s next to impossible to completely prevent the spread of germs. Flu vaccination is the most effective way to help prevent the flu.
4) Keep Exercising
When it is cold and dark, it is hard to get motivated. But to get warm, your body has to work overtime. Adults still need a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity each day, so that you can burn more kilo joules on that early morning walk or run. To keep you motivated, find an exercise partner and go to the gym or do laps at an indoor pool if it is too
cold outside.
5) Eat Well
Hearty foods may offer comfort when it is cold outside, but that does not mean you cannot eat healthy during the winter. Keep your immune system in shape by making sure you are eating a healthy diet. For your body to be able to respond to infection, it needs to have a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and lean protein. Chili, beef stew, lentil soup, roasted vegetables, and even pot roast or chicken cooked with vegetables can all be comforting and nutritious.
6) Dose Up On Vitamins And Minerals
Iron, zinc and vitamin C are also key to a healthy immune system. But before popping supplements, boost your dietary intake of these substances. Look for dark, leafy greens and red and yellow vegetables, which are all high in antioxidants.
7) Stay Hydrated
People do not typically associate dehydration with winter, but you can get dehydrated regardless of the temperature outside. Your body loses a lot of fluid during the cold, dry winter months, and many are less diligent about hydration. Make a point to drink water and replenish fluids. It is advisable to consume at least eight glasses of water each day. Try boiled water with a slice of lemon, when the mercury falls and if the cold water is unappealing. The moisture will also help make mucous membranes, including those in your sinuses, more resistant to bacteria.
8) Rest Up
Regular sleep is vital to staying healthy. Do not let yourself get run down. Individuals who do not get well rest are more likely to fall sick.
9) Quit Smoking
Susceptibility to upper respiratory infections, which usually tend to strike in winter are more in smokers. Even if are a social smoker, now it is a good time to quit and clear your airways.
10) Clean Up Winter Mould
The nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, respiratory infections and worsen asthma and allergic conditions can be induced by moulds. So move your spring clean forward to autumn.
11) Save Your Skin
Cold air, wind and heating will dry out your skin, so keep your face and body well moisturized.
12) Visit Your Primary Care Physician
The choices you make contribute to your overall health, but you do not have to go it alone. Scheduling annual visits with your doctor is one of the best things you can do to maintain good health and wellness. Request an appointment with your primary care physician today!