Indian cricketer Virat Kohli and Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma will soon tie knot and this has been confirmed by an official from the cricket body, BCCI. Virat Kohli pleaded BCCI to allow Anushka to stay with him in the tour of England.
BCCI gave for Anushka's stay only after confirming that both are planning to get married soon and the Indian team management also approved Virat's plea. There were some apprehensions in the team management about how the media would react to it, however, BCCI is confident that Virat can handle the media while addressing his personal and professional life.
However, Indian team manager Sunil Dev is reportedly not happy with Anushka staying and also blamed her for Virat's poor form. But he was pacified the BCCI and later he remained silent on the issue. On Thursday's match against Middlesex, Virat Kohli scored his first half century of the tour and guided the team on the winning side. Also thanks to Ambati Rayudu and Karn Sharma for their valuable contribution.
So now we can say "nothing to hide."
(AW: Vamshi)